Pest Hunting While House Hunting in Cheyenne, Wyoming

cockroach exterminator Best Pest Control Casper WYAt Best Pest Control, we know that pest hunting while house hunting in Cheyenne, Wyoming is essential. When finding your dream home, a list of considerations and details to check will ensure it’s actually your dream and not a nightmare. On top of a great kitchen and big backyard, be sure to inspect the electrical, plumbing, foundation, roof, and of course, any signs of pests. All of these items can be budget-busters if you base your house hunt on aesthetics alone.

Here are some signs to watch out for when pest hunting while house hunting in Cheyenne, Wyoming.


Plants – Check the grass and garden plants for gnawed edges as well as insect trails as this definitely can mean trouble. While the problem may start outside, bugs and more can make their way inside. 

Holes – Even though moles eat insects and grubs, they can also wreak havoc on lawns and landscaping by creating holes. Check for raised earth anywhere outside to determine if moles are present.

Water – Take a look around for any stagnant water as mosquitos thrive in this environment. Ponds, lakes, or other bodies of water may seem charming but lead to more problems in the summertime. Rodents also love to live near water.

Ants – Ants will either leave a little mound of dirt or sneak into cracks in the pavement. Either way, ants can be a real pain to deal with and invade by the millions, so check for these signs first.

Neighborhood – If the house is near an alley or other unkempt areas, especially if there is a pile-up of garbage, this can be a real problem attracting a myriad of pests, roaches to raccoons.

Lawn – When pest hunting while house hunting in Cheyenne, Wyoming, check for any damaged patches of lawn, uneven grass, and brown circular patches as these can be a clear sign of a pest infestation.

Electrical and Gas Pipes – Take a thorough look to see if there are any exposed wiring or gas pipes as these are favorites of many rodent species.


Pesticide Products – There may be some leftover pest control products in the garage, under the sinks, or elsewhere in the home. If this is the case, you can be sure that there was or still is a pest problem.

Neighbors – There is a good chance that the neighbors know about any pest problems the previous owners had. Try to strike up a conversation about whether they know if pests have been an issue with the home. You can also contact the sellers (or their agent) and ask directly.

Odors – Pests give off different odors that we can sense. For instance, mice produce a musty urine-like smell. Rats have an ammonia-like odor. Roaches scent has been called oily and like fecal soy sauce. Bedbugs smell sweet yet musty. Just the smell of garbage is an attractant for pests, so keep your nose tuned to any off-putting scents as pests will be drawn to that.

Listen Up – Try to have an ear tuned in to subtle noises as you enter the house to view it. Especially, if no one has been in the home for quite some time, there will be scurrying and pitter patters as you enter new areas. Other noises such as squeaking, scratching, gnawing may come from behind walls or floorboards.

Droppings – Try to do a little research to see just what different pest droppings look like before you go for a house tour. That way, you will immediately recognize any droppings and have a better overall picture of the situation. Droppings are a classic sign of a pest infestation. Make sure that you know what roach egg cases look like and how to spot bed bugs.

Hiding Spots – While you are looking around a home, it’s a good idea to look behind everything. Pests hide, so a good place to see if there are any, is in hidden areas. The kitchen and bathrooms are the most susceptible to pests, so take your time in these rooms.

Dead Bugs – When pest hunting while house hunting in Cheyenne, Wyoming, check the window sills, corners and basements for dead bugs. If you find many of the same species, that is a sign that they live on the property all of the time.

Tracks – As creatures of habit, mice and rats follow the same path every day, often alongside the walls. This can leave a trail, either greasy or in the dust, and make a visible mark. They may also be in the habit of leaving droppings and urine along the way.

Holes – A tale-tell sign of rodents is seeing any holes in the walls or floors. Whether inside or outside, crevices and cracks are how these creatures get into the home. Keep your eyes peeled for anything larger than a dime-sized hole, as they can fit through surprisingly small holes.

Gnaw Marks – Rats and squirrels love to chew on things. They have to, to keep their forever growing teeth in check. Electrical wires, insulation, wood planks, just about anything is fair game for rats when it comes time to chew. Pay attention to any gnaw marks you see.

Nesting – Rodents will make their nests out of anything they can. That includes paper, clothing, natural fibers, and much more. Check any nooks and crannies you can find for evidence of nesting. This includes behind kitchen cabinet and appliances, furniture, stored items, etc. 

Termites – These pests can cause a huge amount of damage and make your living space unsafe to inhabit. They eat wood, so they create structural damage which is incompatible with having a safe home. Visible holes, sagging wood, hollow-sounding wood, shed wings, and fecal pellets that are tan and appear similar to sawdust are all signs of a termite infestation, which is not sustainable.

Don’t forget to go pest hunting while house hunting in Cheyenne, Wyoming. That way, you can avoid buying an existing pest problem or at least use it as a bargaining chip in the price you pay. Then call the team at Best Pest Control for expert pest control services. We guarantee our work and won’t stop until the problem is gone for good.